Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. Bro which is wrote down is what the doctor ask about it in the assignment and you should upload the powerpoint and read it to know how to write mission statement and my final project is going to be about building home , I make it in red and i uploaded also in the email so if you read in the project file you will see that the first thing that we should do is writing mission statement. Here what the doctor wrote for us to do : Make sure you go over the Fire Sat Mission Statement example and understand it before you write your mission statement for your project. Be advised that you may be required to rewrite your mission statement a number of times if it is not correct. Remember that a mission statement is a broad statement of need and leaves room for alternatives that can satisfy the mission. A mission statement does not specify a particular product or require how a mission is to be accomplished. Pretend that you do not know the exact nature of your project, but know what the general need for your product is.