English Language and Literature homework help

English Language and Literature homework help. Read the case “Ford’s Pinto Fires: The Retrospective View of Ford’s Field Recall Coordinator”While this case dates back a number of years it is  very prominent in the study of business ethics.The case is found on pp.91-96 of the  Weiss text and has questions for analysis on page 96.Grading Criteria – Unit 2 Ford’s Pinto Fires Case StudyPointsResponds fully to each question using material from the case study to support the responses. No more than 15% of the submission is direct quote. Student relies on summary and paraphrase to demonstrate understanding of material.0-50Contains no grammatical or typographical errors0-25Submission is no fewer than 500 words INCLUSIVE of questions and references0-15Includes APA-formatted in-text citations and References page. REQUIRED.0-10TOTAL0-100

English Language and Literature homework help