Law homework help. Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Critical interpertation.Hence, by taking a chance with a dangerous (yet attractive) stranger is a calculated gamble. Similarly, the mental make-up of the wild and macho young male Arnold Friend is also impressive. The heightened sense of machismo exhibited by him impresses Connie at some level. Otherwise she would not in the end accede to his demands. The words uttered by the brutish Arnold is so constructed by Oates that they carry a powerful sense of seduction.Another aspect of the story that is meritorious is the element of suspense throughout the narrative. In other words, I found the story to be quite a page turner. Initially my preoccupation was with how Connie will liberate from her oppressing mother. Later, as the meeting between Connie and Arnold unfolded, the primary concern became the safety and wellbeing of Connie.A facet of the story that I found difficult to accept is the brutish masculinity of Arnold Friend. While this sort of machismo is attractive in a way, it is far from civil. This total lack of chivalry on part of Arnold Friend can be a little hard to come to terms with. Even from a didactic point of view, the story is sending a message to readers that might is right and bullying is an effective strategy. This could be both misleading and misinformed. While the fate of Connie after she parts with Arnold is untold, the free license to bullying carried around by Arnold goes uncontested by the author. This sets a bad example to young readers like myself, who look to derive values and virtues from the literature read. In this sense, the story is lacking in moral content, which is disappointing.The story has many apt symbolic references, which accentuate the overall effect of the narrative. For example, the fashionable yet gaudily painted car of Arnold Friend symbolizes his attraction and hazard