Political Science homework help

Political Science homework help. Need to make sure I can also do a final In preparation for Writing Assignments #3 and #4, you have identified a problem or need in yourworkplace or in your community for which you would like to recommend a solution.For Writing Assignment #3 you will provide a proposal to conduct research. This proposalwill be in the form of a memo.For the assignment, you will put togther a business memo to a decision-maker(s) requestingauthorization to conduct primary and additional secondary research for your final report.• Step 1: Identify the decision-maker or group of decision-makers to whom you will writethis proposal memo (WA#3) and your final report (WA#4)• Step 2: Identify primary research (and any additional secondary research) to be conductedfor your final report.• Step 3: Write the memo using the template provided below.The Role of This Assignment in Your Research-Based Final Report:This proposal memo is a preliminary step you take prior to writing your final paper, which is theresearch-based report (writing assignment #4). Remember, your final paper in WRTG 394 willbe a report in which you:• define a problem in your workplace or community persuasively and accurately• propose a solution or solutions to the problem or issueAs part of defining the problem and proposing a solution, you must conduct primary research.You might also need to conduct some additional secondary research. In Writing Assignment #3,the proposal to conduct research, you are persuading a decision-maker or group of decisionmakersto authorize you to begin conducting this research that will end up in your final report.The main purposes of the research proposal memo are to:• demonstrate that the problem you’ve identified for Project #4 is significant enough towarrant investigation• present a feasible plan or blueprint for your research• set forth potential benefits to the organization or community from the research that justifythe use of time and resources Template for Submitting Your ProposalNote: Please use the format outlined below, including the headers provided in bold, for thememo.To: [Decision Maker Name(s) and title]From: [Your Name and title]Date: [Today’s Date]Subject: Request to Conduct Research on […]Summary[Provide a brief summary identifying the purpose of writing this memo.]What the Problem Is and Why It Needs to Be Investigated[In a series of paragraphs, describe the problem to which you are going to propose a solution andexplain why you think this problem is important.]What Secondary Research I Have Conducted about the Problem[In one paragraph describe secondary research you have conducted on the problem and solution.]What Primary Research I Will Conduct about the Problem[In a series of paragraphs, describe primary research you will conduct on the problem andsolution.]What Benefits Will Result from My Research[In one or two paragraphs, describe the potential benefits to your organization or community ofauthorizing the research.]Preliminary Ideas for Solving This Problem[In a series of paragraphs, describe your recommendations to the problem/situation you aredescribing.]Conclusion[In one or two sentences, conclude your memo by repeating the request for authorization andreminding of the benefits of your conducting the research.] Length:Your memo should be either 800 to no more than 1100 words in length.Advice on Conducting Primary Research:When considering primary research, consider the various forms of research outlined in thechapters from Markel and Bovee and Thill. Consider the following examples:• For a report suggesting that an improved training program be established for certainemployees, you might conduct interviews with fellow workers on the topic to see howand why they might benefit from certain training.• If you are proposing that email be used less frequently for communication and thatanother application be used to improve communication, you might interview fellowemployees on the situation, and you might take screen captures of alternativecommunication tools to illustrate how they work and would improve communication inyour office.• For a report on proposing a new traffic light, you might take pictures of the communityarea to show where such a playground could be built, and you might interview residentsto get their perspective on the traffic light idea.• For a report on recycling facilities, you might take pictures of the office environment toshow that current recycling facilities are inadequate, and you might interview fellowworkers about whether they find it easy to recycle materials at your office. Examples of How to Make Topics Specific for the Final Feport in WRTG 394:If you do a report to your manager at work suggesting that a better training program beestablished for certain employees, you cannot simply provide a report on employee training.You must show that the specific type of training you are advocating will solve a specific problemor problems with regard to employee training in your organization.If you wish to do a report to your supervisor at work suggesting that email be used lessfrequently for communication and that another application be used to improve communication,you cannot simply put together a report on the benefits of social media in the workplace. You mustestablish that your specific office has problems in communicating by email and indicate thebenefits of using alternative communication systems for your workplace environment.If you create a report to your neighborhood community association that a traffic light be posted ata particular intersection, you cannot simply put together a report on the benefits of traffic safety. Youmust show that the specific intersection in your neighborhood needs a traffic light in order toimprove safety.If you wish to create a report to the manager of your unit at work noting that recycling facilities inthe workplace should be improved, you cannot simply put togther a report on the benefits ofrecycling or of good recycling facilities in offices. You must show that your specific workenvironment lacks adequate recycling facilities and show how it will benefit from improvedrecycling facilities.

Political Science homework help

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