Chemistry homework help. “Dealing with Dual-Career Couples”The instructions for this case are different from the earlier cases you have completed.This assignment is based on the case in Ivancevich on pp. (461-463). For this assignment, you are to put yourselves in the role of the Human Resources Manager for a medium-sized organization. You are charged with writing policy and practices for how your organization will deal (or won’t deal) with employing dual-career couples. As part of this assignment, you must also provide an explanation (based on information from the text and other sources) of your recommendations. Use the information in the text, case and questions at the end of the case to help you in assessing what must be addressed in the policy. You may also look at policies organizations have in place but you cannot merely copy those policies. You are responsible for ensuring your policy reflects your reasoned position and is explained using appropriate theory and facts. In your explanation, be sure to address each section of the policy and its meaning.There should be two major sections to your assignment:The first section should contain the full policy and recommended practice.The second section should contain your explanation/analysis. IMPORTANT NOTE: Some practices, like flexible schedule, may apply to ALL employees or employee-caretakers. Be sure to distinguish which policies only relate to dual career couples and which should apply to all employees but facilitate hiring dual career couples.