International Development homework help. Hi, need to submit a 4000 words essay on the topic Inclusion of Homosexuals in Government Service.Download file to see previous pages… It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures” (Lutz, 2004, 192). The male homosexuals are popularly known as gays and female homosexuals, lesbians. The subject of homosexuality has been phenomenally discussed and many thoughts have been developed over the past years. Experts such as psychologists and scholars have developed many insights on it, which became the basis for further analysis and critical thinking by doctors, psychiatrists, society and judiciary. This phenomenon has been legally intervened all over the world many times, but that attempt has been criticized by homosexuals on the plea that it is equal to the denial of human rights. Hence, there have been arguments both in favor of and against this phenomenon across courtiers in the world. Some feel that homosexuality is a criminal offence and homosexuals have to be trailed, charged and imprisoned for developing good behavior and lead a dignified life. A few think that it is the result of bad thinking / mental disorder and they can be corrected through counseling, personal repentance and believing to god. It is also believed by some people that it is a quite natural and normal phenomenon, which is genetically developed. The issue is getting more and more public support and it is evident from a recent public opinion poll in the US, which reveals that “the public is slowly shifting towards acceptance of a homosexual orientation as normal and natural for a minority of adults. Increasingly, Americans support equal rights for gays and lesbians, including the right to marry or enter into civil unions” (About Public Opinion). At this juncture, this paper attempts to explore the various thoughts on homosexuality and its repercussions on various walks of life. It also tries to assess the involvement of homosexuality in government sector in the US. The paper takes a narrative approach to describe the issue of homosexuality in the US in general and in the government sector in particular. The paper takes in detail the issue of homosexuality and its reasons with great emphasis on the much debated opinion that whether homosexuality is innate or chosen. As already stated one of the factors that influence man to become homosexual is genetics. The main contention of this argument is that men and women become gay and lesbian not because they do not intend to be straight, but they are influenced by the inborn and environmental factors. In this context, the present essay tries to explore the findings of various studies undertaken across the world on homosexuality and homosexual behavior with more emphasis on genetically motivated behavior rather than chosen behavior. The paper focuses on the genetically motivated homosexuality among men and women and the discussion, throughout the paper relies on the controversy that homosexuality is innate and there is nothing contrary to natural in it. Studies undertaken across the world are reviewed and analyzed critically to arrive at logical conclusions on homosexuality. Further, the paper tries to investigate into the involvement of homosexual practice among government employees in the United States of America. The paper also throws lights on the implications of the inclusion of homosexuals in the government service of the Federal Government.