Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. Q1 what are the key steps in evaluating a claim? ‘Coles is cheaper than Woolworths’ – examine this claim using the key steps.Q2 “Banning smoking is the first step to Nazism.” Identify and explain a major flaw in this statement from an argumentative point of view.Q3 what are the four key information theoretic elements determining the conversational quality of a discourse? Demonstrate how these key elements can be effectively mapped onto Grice’s conversational maxims.Q4 “Government should invest more on developing public transport rather than build more toll-ways”. Treating this statement as a thesis, come up with an appropriate antithesis. Use Hegel’s triad approach to develop at least three arguments in support of the thesis as well as the antithesis and propose a synthesis to effectively integrate the strongest points of both sides.Q5 In the context of discourse analysis, explain how each of Grice’s four conversational maxims effectively captures each of the four corresponding key information theoretic elements.Q6 What are the two main benefits that the presenter of a discourse may derive from ‘assuring’ as an argumentative move? Provide fitting examples to illustrate each of these two benefits.Q7 “A closed-book final examination isn’t an ideal assessment tool at the postgraduate level”. Treating this statement as a thesis, come up with an appropriate antithesis. Use Hegel’s triad approach to develop at least three arguments in support of the thesis as well as the antithesis and propose a synthesis to effectively integrate the strongest points of both sides.

Computer Science homework help

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