Anthropology homework help. Old Spice Paper Products specialises in party products such as paper plates, serviettes, paper cups as well as greeting cards and wrapping paper. The national office for Old Spice Paper Products is located at 199 Tree Ave, Woodend Victoria, where both the administration and manufacturing operations are housed. Old Spice Paper Products is managed by a board of directors who meet monthly at the Woodend site. The members of the board areJack Stone (Chair) Gillian Collins (Deputy Chair) Albert BrockwookSilvia Devola Janice Bennett Saul RickmanKatherine Montigo Joseph PatulioOld Spice Paper Products held its last board meeting on 15 July at 10:30am. Seven on the eight members were present, with an apology from Albert Brockwood. The minutes for June were received; and it was pointed out that the guest speaker’s name was Robinson, not Robertson. The minutes were then accepted, and no matters arose from the minutes.A letter from the ATO was received notifying the company of changes to Sales Tax exemption laws. The chair requested that the General Manager of Old Spice Paper Products write to the ATO requesting further information regarding tax exemption laws. This information would be reported on at the next meeting.The HR manager reported that one staff members of the accounts department recently resigned to take up a similar position closer to home, and Bill Jacobe from manufacturing was soon to retire after 32 years of service. The chair recognised Bill’s service to the company and asked that the HR manager draft a letter on behalf of the board recognising and thanking Bill for his contribution to the company.The Sales & Marketing manager presented the monthly sales report which included much discussion about the launch of a new range of party goods from Party Hearty Ltd. Party Hearty have only a small percentage of the party goods market, and they are now making a big push into this sector through the release of new products in supermarket chains. Their goods include a range of strong and durable paper plates in bright florescent colours, as well as matching cups, serviettes and plastic cutlery. They also have a number of special offers planned over the next two months. The board requested that the sales team undertake further research into the impact of Party Hearty into the party goods market and asked that this be presented at the next board meeting. A report in current performance against sales targets was also presented at the board highlighting the company’s exceptional sales results for April, May, and June of this year.An OHS report was tabled by the HR sub-committee, but was deferred to the next meeting to enable more detailed consideration. A report was provided by the HR manager on negotiations for phase two if the enterprise bargaining agreement. A motion endorsing the proposed agreement was put by Saul Rickman and seconded by Kathering Montigo and agreed upon.The date for the next meeting was scheduled for 15 August.The above is the following case study, and prepare minutes from the information provided.Can anyone help me write the answers please they are appreciated.