Anthropology homework help. I need to see the SPSS output. You need to have all z-scores, all charts, all descriptives data from SPSS, everything you used to answer the questions. Can you resubmit?Attachment 1Attachment 2Attachment 3Assignment Module 2 Problem SetDetails:Understanding the data sampling procedure and the description of the data is critical toaccurately interpreting the results of a study. In this assignment, you will practice describing datafrom an SPSS data set.General Requirements:Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment: Review "SPSS Access Instructions" for information on how to access SPSS for thisassignment. Access the document, "Introduction to Statistical Analysis Using IBM SPSS Statistics,Student Guide" to complete the assignment. Download the file "Drinks.sav" and open it with SPSS. Use the data to complete theassignment. Download the file "Census.sav" and open it with SPSS. Use the data to complete theassignment. Directions:Locate the data set "Drinks.sav" and open it with SPSS. Follow the steps in section 2.11Learning Activity as written. Answer all of the questions in the activity based on yourobservations of the SPSS output. Type your answers into a Word document for submission to theinstructor.Locate the data set "Census.sav" and open it with SPSS. Follow the steps in section 3.9 LearningActivity as written. Answer all of the questions in the activity based on your observations of theSPSS output. Type your answers into a Word document for submission to the instructor.Locate the data set "Drinks.sav" and open it with SPSS. Follow the steps in section 4.18Learning Activity as written. Answer all of the questions in the activity based on yourobservations of the SPSS output. Type your answers into a Word document for submission to theinstructor. 2.11 Learning ActivityThe overall goal of this learning activity is to create standardized (Z-) scores for severalvariables. In this set of learning activities you will use the Drinks.sav data file.1. Create standardized scores for all scale variables (price through alcohol). Which beverageshave positive standardized scores on every variable? What does this mean?2. What is the most extreme z-score on each variable? What is the most extreme z-scoreacross all variables?3. What beverage is most typical of all beverages, that is, has z-score values closest to 0 forthese variables?4. If the variable is normally distributed, what percentage of cases should be above 1standard deviation from the mean or below 1 standard deviation from the mean?Calculate this percentage for a couple of the variables. Is the percentage of beverageswith an absolute z-score above 1 close to the theoretical value? Figure 3.9 Frequency Table of Marital StatusExamine the table. Note the disparate category sizes. About half of the sample is married, andthere is one category that has less than 5% of the cases. Before using this variable in acrosstabulation analysis, should you consider combining some of the categories with fewercases? Decisions about collapsing categories usually have to do with which groups need to bekept distinct in order to answer the research question asked, and the sample sizes for the groups.For example, could we create a was previously married group?The bar chart summarizes the distribution that we observed in the frequency table and allows usto see the distribution. Figure 4.18 Explore Case Processing Table Case Processing SummaryCasesValidMissing Total Age of respondent N2013 Percent99.5% N10 Percent.5% N2023 Percent100.0% Highest Year ofSchool Completed 2018 99.8% 5 .2% 2023 100.0% The Descriptives table displays a series of descriptive statistics for age and educ. From theprevious table, we know that these statistics are based on 2013 and 2018 respondents,respectively.Comparing measures of central tendency can provide useful information about the distribution.Here the mean, median and 5% trimmed mean are very close within each variable and thissuggests either that there are not many extreme scores, or that the number of high and low scoresis balanced. If the mean were considerably above or below the median and trimmed mean, itwould suggest a skewed or asymmetric distribution. A perfectly symmetric distribution, thenormal distribution, would produce identical means, medians and trimmed means.