Political Science homework help

Political Science homework help. Write a 28 page essay on Early Arranged Marriage in Ethiopia.Child marriages lead to abusive practices and a disregard of the rights of children. In many instances, as several studies would show, the practice of young marriage leads to socio-economic development stagnation of the child and health problems. This state of the problem could only be resolved through legislations, more law enforcements and active participation of the government and community. In Ethiopia, in particular, where problem exists in great proportion than in other regions, government intervention should be sought to permanently provide a solution.This study hopes to describe behavior of Ethiopians on family matters and how they behave in resolving an issue or a problem. Describing human behavior is a Social Work Theory that is applicable in this problem. Study is important because when behaviors are clearly understood, change required is directed to what is needed by the population.Ethiopia is located in the north eastern part of Africa. According to the UN Habitat (2008), it is the second most populated but least urbanized country in sub-Sahara Africa. As of 2014, it has a population of over seventeen million. CIA Worldfact (2014) explains that their estimates of population took note of the events of excess mortality due to HIV/AIDS that resulted to lower life expectancy, higher death rate and low population growth rates. Life expectancy of Ethiopian population is only 60.75 years that is considered short (ranks 193 in world comparison). Maternal mortality rate is 350 deaths to every 100,000 live births. While infant mortality rate is 55.77 deaths for every 1,000 live births.Ethiopia is highly dependent on rain-fed agriculture. Its biggest economic problems are urban poverty, high unemployment, lack of infrastructure, and housing shortage. The societal systems of gender disparities here make women open to poverty

Political Science homework help