Physics homework help

Physics homework help. 0:23:30 1First, compute the proportion meeting standards as the mean of Air Quality values. Second, at alpha = 0.10 (sensitive, exploratory), test the hypothesis that proportion of times that air quality meets standards is at least 90%.a.      The pvalue of 0.062 indicates that the data provide weak evidence againt H0: ? ? 0.90. H0 is rejected at ax = 0.10.b.      The pvalue of 0.022 indicates that the data provide strong evidence against H0: ? ? 0.90. H0 is rejected at ax = 0.10. The status quo has changed.c.      The pvalue of 0.006 indicated that the data provide overwhelming evidence against H0: ? ? 0.90. H0 is rejected at ax = 0.10. Send out an air quality alert.d.      The pvalue of 0.966 indicates that the data provide insignificant evidence against H0: ? ? 0.90. H0 is not rejected at ax = 0.10. The status quo remains unchanged.e.      None of the answers are correct.

Physics homework help