Law homework help

Law homework help. Paper 3: Change ManagementAttached is a short case study called “Can a new corporate culture save General Motors?”Please read this case study and answer the following questions:In the case study describe which EXTERNAL environmental factors in the Integrated Change Cycle have a direct and immediate impact on General Motors. Explain any connectivity between those factors.1.     In the case study describe which EXTERNAL environmental factors in the Integrated Change Cycle have a direct and immediate impact on General Motors. Explain any connectivity between those factors.2.     Again using the Integrated Change Cycle, describe which INTERNAL environmental factors have a direct role in the case study. How are they connected?3.     Please find at least SIX EXAMPLES in the case study of the concepts and tools of change management we have studied in the various models. You can describe your findings in bullet-form of about a paragraph in length (about four lines).4.     Finally, and most important of all, I want to see your Conclusion-Analysis. This is where in 750 words you provide your own critical thinking of why events turned out the way they did at GM. In other words, were certain actions or approaches effective in creating change at the company? In your view, do you believe the changes that occurred are sustainable? What are your referenced-based reasons for this?The paper must be 2,000 words (not including the required coverage page and references page). All comments MUST be supported by evidence-based references in the proper APA format. No plagiarism. Please attach plagiarism report along with the answer. Thanks.

Law homework help