Political Science homework help

Political Science homework help. Question 1Define and distinguish between eCommerce and eBusiness. Explain the termsB2C, B2B, C2C, C2B, include examples. What is the relative position of B2B vsB2C and why? Outline and briefly describe the seven B2C and four B2BeCommerce business models. What are the top drivers of both B2C and B2BeCommerce. Which product areas have the largest penetration and why? Question 2What is the Internet and how is it governed? Explain the evolution of the Internetfrom the birth to present day. Highlight key milestones, timelines, growth factorsand geopolitical impacts. Draw the 1985 view of the NSFNet, including sites,speeds and communication protocol. Explain what TCP/IP is and why it playssuch an important function for the Internet and eCommerce. Distinguish betweenthe Internet and the www, explain what application and service was the ‘killerapp’ of the www. Question 3Explain the concept of Web 2.0 and what is driving it? Briefly outline the twelve‘Social Technologies with two examples of each. Include the relative usage ofeach ‘Social Technology’ in North America. Which of these Web 2.0 capabilitiesdo you believe to be the most influential and why? How are large businessesleveraging social computing for economic value? Question 4Explain the steps required to launch an e-commerce site as an entrepreneur orSMB (small / medium business). Identify the costs and approximate timeassociated with each step. Explain the steps including the SDLC that anenterprise would go through to develop an e-commerce site. Compare andcontrast the two approaches. The two key components of an e-commerce siteare development and hosting – identify the pros and cons of outsourcing vs insourcingeach of these elements. Question 5Consider an individual making an online purchase at Amazon.com. Depict adrawing showing the individual, the Internet, and the Amazon systems andsecurity components. Explain step by step how the transaction occurs and whatelements, protocols, and technologies secure the purchase. Explain the followingterms; DMZ, SET, SSL, PKI, DES, IDS, WEP, Digital Signatures, and VPN. If youwere to work for Amazon.com as an eCommerce consultant what approachwould you take towards securing the online services. Question 6Describe the average profile of an online purchaser. Explain how the purchasingdecision process and how it differs for online purchases. List and describe six ofthe Internet marketing techniques in use today. Explain the concept of one-toonemarketing and apply it to eCommerce. What are some of the distinct pricingstrategies and impacts that eCommerce companies can employ vs traditionalvendors? Question 7Why is online advertising important to eCommerce companies? Explain five ofthe ten methods used by companies to provide online advertising. Define CTR,VTR, CPM, CPC, and CPA. What is SEO and why is it so important ineCommerce? Explain what factors influence SEO results. Why is that differentproviders give different results? Can SEO results be manipulated and how. If youwere to launch a new site outline the steps you would take to increase your SEOposition and maintain it. Question 8Describe what PayPal is, how it works, and why it is important to e-commerce.What market segment does PayPal target? Describe the five different types ofpayment methods that exist. Draw and explain the model depicting how an onlinecredit card transaction occurs. How do SET and SSL impact the onlinetransactions? Briefly describe how they (SET and SSL) work. Explain how theconcept of a cell phone as an eWallet works.Question 9Explain each of the following concepts; ASP, SaaS, Data Centres, and CloudComputing including their value proposition and examples of each. Differentiateeach concept. What class of organization is best targeted to benefit from theseservices / why? Which of the three companies is best positioned for cloudcomputing; Apple, Google, or Microsoft? Explain each organizations strengthsand weaknesses.

Political Science homework help