Chemistry homework help. At Publix Grocery Store customers feel welcome; they certainly receive the top service they are looking for. Publix raises the bar providing the best quality products with outstanding service. During holidays the cookie decorations and entertaining ideas seem to be appealing to customers and many of them post it on social media. Vivid information is more likely to hold the viewers attention and excite the imagination. It also results in improved customer understanding of the service. Because service attributes are intangible, this improved understanding is critical to a customers ability to evaluate the quality of the service and to compare it to other options (Winner & Dhar, 2011, p. 455).Every day, consumers are helping shape your brand image on social media. While you certainly cant control what people say, you can encourage your customers to be a force for good. Build a community of brand champions by identifying and empowering loyal customers (The receptionist, n.d., para. 7). One way to help build the brand in social media is by reviewing customers comments and feedback. Also, answering customers questions and concerns makes customers feel the company have been taking their opinions into considerations.From my personal experience, I tried once to apply at Publix because I always heard great things about the company. I had management experience and I was looking to find a management position. When I visit the store to apply they told all management positions are filled internally because they promote within. Even though I was a bit disappointed I believe it is a great strategy because employees feel appreciated. I also heard about the stock options Publix provides to its employees, which is a way for employees to feel that their job is impacting the organization and also each employees financial future. Engaged employees feel a strong emotional bond with the organization that employs them. This is associated with people demonstrating a willingness to recommend the organization to others and commit time and effort to help the team succeed (Mike, 2016, para. 7). Publixs Instagram contains food recipes and inspirational ideas for customer. Social media has become a major advertising channel and Publix should continue to keep taking advantage of the opportunity to continue building strong relations and its brand reputation.ReferencesMike, (2016). Publix Grocery Store: Is Employee Engagement their Culture Backbone?Retrieved from Receptionist, (n.d.). 5 Ways to Build a Stronger Brand Image. Retrieved from, R. S. & Dhar, R. (2011). Marketing Management. 4th Ed. Retrieved from